My Family

My Family

Monday, February 20, 2012

Just for the Halibut

Back in my college years, I bartended and served at The Chart House.  One season, they ran a particularly fun promotion with cute titles like "Tuna Tuesday" or "Crabby Date Night".  Honestly, I just made those up because I can't remember any of the names except for one.  It was called "Just for the Halibut" which I didn't quite "get" until years later. It was like...light bulb flashing..."OH!  Just for the hell of it!"  Dumbass.

Anyway, JUST FOR THE HALIBUT I took Friday off last week to enjoy a glorious fun filled Three Day Weekend!  That third day really packs a lot of punch.  Some of our activities included meeting The Cousins at Michael's for some dollar isle fun.  We also met Melissa at Classic Kids thrift shop.  This place is a goldmine for kids.  They actually encourage you to play with all of their toys before you decide to buy.  The boys had a blast. 

But the best part about the whole weekend was spending every single minute with Gabriel.  This boy is an absolute doll...and he knows it too!  One stranger actually stopped me in Sam's to tell me how beautiful my boy was and I swear Gabriel understood what she was saying because he turned that charm factor up to a 10!  He was flashing his lashes, tucking his chin under, smothering her with smiles and giggles.  Good grief, I'm in for trouble.

And now, I'm going to include a picture.  And let me just gently say, before judgements are made on my parenting style - after careful consideration and serious discussion with my husband, we decided to put Gabriel in a forward facing position in his car seat! SHOCKING, I know.  But we live on the wild side.  And yes...I know American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 2 years before flipping that seat, but I just couldn't listen to another minute of crying for Mommy in the car.  And seriously, I have 12 airbags.  And I take back roads.

But I think he looks pretty happy here.  It really was the cutest thing.  He just stared at me the whole drive. 


  1. Haha! Loved this post! He is definitely one gorgeous kid! And you're not a bad mommy... I seriously don't understand the new AAP seems a little unrealistic...and wouldn't their poor little legs get cramped up against the back of the seat by that age...give me a break.

    1. Thanks Jennifer. I'm glad you understand. Now car rides are so much more fun!!! I used to dread them. Hope you and your men are doing great!
